A broken windmill.

Why is good self-care important? 

As the about page states here at More Than Crumbs, this site is about “my journey through life, using self-care and simplicity to enhance it and frankly, just keep it on an even keel sometimes.” 

Self-care is a buzzword right now, so for our purposes, I’ll define it as “extra” activities to maintain one’s mental, emotional, and physical wellness.

To some, self-care just comes naturally. I imagine a scenario where someone is having an extra stressful week at work and so adds a vigorous walk to their normal daily workout and gets an additional hour of sleep, without really having to plan it.

That’s wonderful!

That certainly not how it happens for me, which I think is common. New Year’s Resolutions to get fit, repeated year after year, indicate that.

People have differing needs for self-care. I have a friend who can remain calm and happy under considerable demands from work on very little sleep.

If I don’t pay extra attention to self-care, my life is more difficult. I get irritated and angry more easily. I start worrying about things that aren’t important or that I can’t change. My brain starts obsessing on all the ways I might be inadequate. Noises and crowds bother me more. 

That’s a huge effect on my daily life.

So getting enough sleep, eating regularly, short meditations, journaling, and exercise are some of the things that help keep me balanced. Sometimes it feels like a lot. Since I’m sometimes depressed, often anxious, a little obsessive, and on the mild end of the autism spectrum, the extra helps me. 

Self-care can enhance anyone’s life, though. Studies using Functional MRI or other neuroimaging techniques show various positive effects on people without a diagnosed condition.

Here are some quick and easy things to try:

  • Take a walk. If you can do it outside, even better!
  • Notice what is good in your life right now.
  • Do a quick breathing meditation. Even 1 to 2 minutes can help. Simply notice your breathing: in, out. In, out.

A lot of self-care activities don’t take too long at all. Try one and see!






One response to “Why is good self-care important? ”

  1. Moody Paper avatar

    I like your suggestions; they are simple and effective! I look forward to my morning and evening walks.

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