Another Two Step

We’re at the train station that will take us from Porto to Lisbon, where my immigration appointment will happen. If all goes well, they will bestow my residency permit!

I’m just a girl, standing in front of Portugal, asking it to love me.

– paraphrasing Anna Scott in Notting Hill (directed by Roger Michell, produced by Duncan Kenworthy, 1999)

That means I will be legal for two years and able to move about the world freely! 

Appointments for married couples are separate. If we are lucky, they will look at my wife’s documents and grant her residency at the same time. If not, her appointment is later this month.

Now that we are on the train and settled into our seats, it is easier to relax. I’ve been talking to myself all morning to keep the anxiety at bay and myself on track. I’m not a very serene traveler.

I feel confident that our applications are good. There are some very good resources that give information on what is needed in more detail than the official website for immigration.

I will feel better once I know for sure!






4 responses to “Another Two Step”

  1. Rosewoodglen avatar

    Can’t wait to hear how it all goes.

  2.  avatar

    Hope all went well!!
    Just checking in on you and Paula

  3.  avatar

    Yay! Progress 🙂

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