Big Decision

Image is of decades of my computers and data that I’ve been storing. I want to make sure that the hard drives are securely taken care of.

I did a decent job of moving the data I needed forward from some of the computers, but not others. So there is this big question of what might be on there that I might like to look at again. Scratching my head trying to remember if I had any more digital photos.

But, I went through one of my old computers and securely wiped it. I saved some data off – I found some fun emails that took me down memory lane. But it took many hours over several weeks.

That was months ago, and I still haven’t gotten back to working on some of the other hard drives. Lately I’ve been considering why physical (or digital) reminders of past times are so important to me.

I’ve held onto cards or momentos of relationships that were not good for me. I still need to write about that.

And I realized that the hard drives were similar to that. Given that I haven’t looked at or seen that data for years and years, I know I can do without it. Well, I wish I could be so confident. I think I probably can do without it. If I happen to remember something that might be on those hard drives, it will likely be a minor sting.

And I am working on destroying the hard drives. I will be able to get rid of so many assorted cables and converters I no long need when these ancient behemoths are out of here!





  1. Nancy avatar

    These accessories just seem to multiply, right? After they’re securely wiped, do you know where can they be taken for recycling?

    1. Sera Admin avatar
      Sera Admin

      There is a specific GoodWill in Austin that takes electronics for recycling.
      Best Buy takes items for recycling nationwide: or search best buy recycling.

  2. Ty Moz avatar
    Ty Moz

    Losing pictures is the only thing that bothers me when it comes to electronics!

  3. Nancy avatar

    Great! Thanks for the info and link!!

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